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Environmental Management

Environmental management systems and standards at voestalpine

Environmental management is centrally anchored at voestalpine. More than 120 Group companies are currently included in central environmental data management. 60% have an environmental management system in compliance with ISO 14001, around 8% are validated in accordance with EMAS.

Environmental management in the Group

The central point of contact for all questions related to environmental issues is the “Group Environment” unit. At the Group level, this unit—together with the Management Board of voestalpine AG and the divisional environmental officers—defines:

  • strategic objectives
  • thematic focal points
  • positions relating to policies affecting the company’s interests regarding important strategic long-term issues, such as energy and climate policy or the LCA

At the same time, Group Environment coordinates the flow and exchange of information in the Group within the framework of the „Environment und Policy Networks“ that consists of Group representatives and the environmental officers of the Steel, Special Steel, Metal Engineering, and Metal Forming Divisions, together with representatives from voestalpine’s CR, research, and legal departments.

Environmental management systems to improve standards

The implemented environmental management systems for quality, safety, energy, and the environment make a crucial contribution toward maintaining and improving the environmental performance of each Group company. Packages of measures that are rolled out regularly and ongoing monitoring of progress are important elements of the environmental management system.

Action that is rooted in expertise and reflects a high degree of familiarity with environmental issues is only possible if the entire workforce has internalized a true awareness of environmental concerns. Therefore, environmental protection at voestalpine begins literally with each and every individual employee and is understood as an ongoing improvement process.

Comprehensive environmental data from voestalpine is collected. They form the basis for voestalpine’s good environmental performance, and is included in publications such as the CR Report.

EMAS certification of the locations Linz and Steyrling

The voestalpine companies at the locations Linz and Steyrling sites are validated according to the environmental management system EMAS. All significant environmental aspects are described in regularly updated environmental statements.

Here you can find the environental statements of the location Linz, of the location Kindberg, the location Zeltweg and the location Donawitz.