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Environmentally friendly company

voestalpine is an environmental pioneer

The environment plays an important role for us and our production. That is why we are constantly establishing new measures to produce and act in an environmentally friendly manner.

As an environmentally friendly company, sustainable production processes, the responsible management of resources, and using environmentally friendly technologies have been an integral to our company philosophy and operational activities. At the same time, intensive research into new, more environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and, not least, the further development of materials and products also make a significant contribution to improving the environmental balance sheet.

Sustainability in the company

Sustainability is an essential principle in all our decisions and activities. This extends across the entire product life cycle, from the procurement of raw materials to production and recycling, from education and training to the health and diversity of employees.

Environmental awareness is part of our corporate philosophy

Our guiding principles for acting in an economically, ecologically, and socially sustainable manner

  • Holistic responsibility for our products
  • Optimization of production processes
  • Establishment of environmental management systems
  • Employee integration
  • Open and objective dialogue

What distinguishes us as an environmentally friendly company

  • Commitment to climate protection and CO2 reduction

    Thanks to new and groundbreaking technologies, steel production should become climate neutral by 2050. We are addressing the long-term goal of decarbonizing the economic system through extensive research and development of new technologies, often in cross-sector collaborations and projects. These efforts are supported by the Science Based Targets initiative which we joined in July 2022.

    More information on our climate protection strategy.

  • We systematically analyze the environmental effects of our products over their entire life cycle, taking social, economic and technical aspects into consideration. We use the life cycle assessment as an important tool for the
    targeted development and improvement of products and processes. This enables us to optimize material flows and ensure that raw materials are used responsibly.

    More about life cycle assessment.

  • R&D

    It is clear that intensive research and development (R&D) is also necessary to achieve our ecological goals. Consequently, we have set a series of research priorities, for example in the areas of digitalization, innovative products, the circular economy, and climate-neutral steel production.

    As the basis for shared and sustainable solutions, we maintain an open and objective dialogue with internal and external interest groups regarding all environmental issues.

  • United Nations UN flags

    We have been a member of the UN Global Compact, an initiative for an inclusive and sustainable economy. Companies that participate in the UN Global Compact agree to support ten principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. 

  • Commitment to the initiative ResponsibleSteel

    We are committed to the 12 principles of the ResponsibleSteel initiative. As one of the first steel companies worldwide, the Linz-based Steel Division has been officially certified as a sustainable production site by the non-profit organization ResponsibleSteel. The prerequisite for certification was to fulfill 200 criteria which included the responsible procurement of raw materials, reducing carbon emissions, and the management of labor and human rights.

  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

    The United Nations has formulated 17 goals – the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – for sustainable development. Governments and companies alike are being asked to play their part in achieving these goals. The goals cover economic, ecological, and social aspects. voestalpine makes a significant contribution to twelve of these goals through its processes and products.

  • image voestalpine

    We facilitate the development of environmental management systems in our Group companies. The core of these management systems is compliance with environmental provisions and the maintenance of continuous improvement programs.

Environmental milestones

Here you can find the environental statements of the location Linz, of the location Kindberg, the location Zeltweg and the location Donawitz.

Read more about sustainability on our Corporate Blog