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Digitalization drives the future

Herbert Eibensteiner

As an innovative steel and technology Group, we view increasing digitalization in terms of the opportunities it generates. The fact is that we are already making our processes and services more efficient by routinely applying big data, artificial intelligence, and deep learning. We are also working intensively on the product side to develop new digital solutions, and, in doing so, to further extend our technological leadership.

Herbert Eibensteiner, Chairman of the Management Board of voestalpine AG

Digitalization at voestalpine: our focus lies on increasing efficiency and adding customer value

Digitalization, and with it the targeted application of new digital technologies, has been and remains a cornerstone of continued value growth and technological leadership for voestalpine. The focus lies on permanently enhancing our business processes and service offerings, with the aim of successively increasing efficiency and creating additional value for our customers. Optimized and extensively networked processes bring improvements in productivity, quality, and lead times. Driving digital interaction with customers, as well as developing and enhancing innovative digital products, services, and business models, are an additional means of increasing customer value.

Our Dutch voestalpine company NEDCON offers one impressive example: by developing a 3D configuration tool for planning high-bay warehouses in 3D, the company has opened up new options for warehouse design. With just a click of a mouse, resellers and sales partners can position racks, and adapt designs to meet customer requirements with extreme ease and in a fraction of the time previously required.

All this is only achievable by simultaneously strengthening key success factors. They include IT/Internet of Things architecture and data security, as well as relevant employee qualifications, cooperation with partners, and the development of a digital corporate culture, all of which are essential for implementing the digitalization strategy.

Digital technologies in our company

The new voestalpine Welding Calculator app.
The Welding Calculator simplifies the planning and optimization of complex welding processes.
We bring digital rolling stock monitoring on track.
Our digital checkpoints for comprehensive train and track monitoring are setting new international standards for the digital monitoring of rail traffic.

New technologies and competences

IT and smart objects.
Embedding IT lends smart objects capabilities far beyond those for which they were originally intended.
tfs - Tailormade Functional Steel.
Our revolutionary cold-rolled steel strip paves the way for a wide range of "intelligent" digital applications.

A successful digital transformation requires a strong digital mindset.

Successful digital transformation is only possible with qualified and motivated employees who actively drive the process in all our Group companies and areas of operation. They are the critical success factor behind a true digital culture, and the transformation needed to bring this about. Achieving this transformation requires IT know-how, rigorous training and continuing education such as that provided by our Digital Academy run by the High Performance Metals Division, and broad interdisciplinary cooperation which is itself strengthened by digitalization and helps drive innovation.

The digital journey of the High Performance Metals Division

Learn more on our Corporate Blog

Digital transformation provides the basis