Our responsibility
Steel plays an important role in all areas of human life. We work proactively to develop and use resource-efficient processes for making steel, managing waste, and pursuing pro-active climate action policies.
We conduct research on products such as green steel that cut CO2 indirectly. We also engage in life cycle assessments (LCAs) and support the application of the life cycle approach through our participation in working groups run by EUROFER, the World Steel Association, and ResponsibleSteel.
As the voestalpine Group, we commit to safeguarding human rights. We do not tolerate child or forced labor and discrimination of any kind (also in connection with hiring and employment)—neither within the Group nor by our business partners. Hence human rights are an important element of our Code of Conduct for Business Partners. Since 2013, we have supported the UN Global Compact (UNGC) whose Ten Principles address labor standards, climate action, and the fight against corruption, in addition to the promotion of human rights.
Since 2022, all employees of the voestalpine Group are required to complete an e-learning course on human rights consisting of three modules. This webinar is offered in a total of 14 languages.
We pay attention to transparency in the supply chain and work toward ensuring responsible procurement. As the voestalpine Group, we procure a very wide range of materials and products as well as services from a multitude of suppliers. Our supply chain management involves systematically collecting data on and evaluating the social and environmental effects and risks of suppliers’ activities for the purpose of developing relevant procedures. This is a key component of our Sustainability Strategy and defines principles for both general and raw materials procurement.
High levels of commitment and above-average employee loyalty are key pillars of our success. We value a corporate culture that is defined by diversity and respect; provides solid employee training and continuing professional development (CPD) to all groups of employees; and ensures comprehensive safety measures and Group-wide health management.
As an integrative component of our Group’s corporate strategy, sustainability as a concept is put into practice by the individual divisions, business segments, and functions.
We have been a member of ResponsibleSteel, an advocacy organization, since April 2019 and commit to its 12 Principles. In the current business year, the Group’s largest site in Linz will apply for certification pursuant to the ResponsibleSteel Standard. This standard was developed with the active participation of our own experts, together with many other stakeholders.
Corporate Responsibilty at voestalpine
With the Corporate Responsibility Report we disclose our measures
With the publication of its Corporate Responsibility Report, we outline the sustainability and corporate responsibility measures implemented across the Group, how the Group communicates with stakeholders, and the advances achieved by the Group in terms of employees, society, environment, research and development, as well as corporate governance and compliance. The CR report is available in German and English, and fact sheets have been published in 14 languages.
Our commitment to a sustainable future
As a member of the World Steel Association (worldsteel), we are actively involved in the international transfer of know-how in the area of climate protection and commitment to sustainability. As one of 33 steelmaking companies worldwide, we have been regularly supplying data on all eight sustainability indicators of the Sustainability Indicators Report since 2004, thus making a major contribution to the industry's sustainable future.
worldsteel Sustainability Charter
voestalpine has been selected as one of around 40 steel producers invited to sign up to the worldsteel Sustainability Charter. This requires 20 criteria to be met, including publication of a sustainability report and making available environmental, employee, and operational safety performance indicators. The charter comes into effect in March 2022 after signing by the CEOs.
voestalpine has taken a comprehensive approach towards sustainability for years. Being member of the worldsteel Sustainability Charter is a further sign of our effoerts.
Pillars of corporate responsibility
Acting responsibly is at the heart of our corporate culture and the reason why the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of voestalpine AG decided to accept the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance back in 2003. Furthermore, we have our own Code of Conduct, which forms the basis for ethically and legally sound employee conduct (compliance). It focuses primarily on protecting free competition (anti-trust laws), avoiding corruption, and observing human rights. We have supported the UN Global Compact since 2013 and have been a member of ResponsibleSteel, an advocacy organization, since 2019.
Our corporate strategy focuses on leadership in innovation, technology, and quality. Hence research & development (R&D) are central to our business model. The ongoing development of new products and production processes is indispensable, allowing us to differentiate ourselves from the competition and maintain our technology leadership. Our R&D activities focus on solutions for energy efficiency and mobility as well as cost reductions and raw materials efficiency.
More about research & development.
Proactive risk management, of the kind we have been practicing for many years, secures our company’s long-term existence as a going concern and its ability to boost shareholder value. It is therefore key to the success of the entire Group. Both the uniform risk management process (which all operating and strategic Group companies undergo several times a year) and the internal control system serve to systematically identify, analyze, and assess material risks at an early stage.
More about risk management.
Environmentally conscious action is firmly embedded in our corporate philosophy. Hence voestalpine works not only to use resources such as raw materials and energy sparingly along the entire production chain but also to minimize the environmental impact of processes and products. The conditions needed to make continual improvements in environmental protection and the relevant principles have been established within the organization for this purpose.
More about the environment.
Our success as a steel and technology group is based on our employees’ particular expertise and high level of motivation. Correspondingly, we place great value in a respectful corporate culture, the diversity and individuality of our employees, as well as their qualifications—all of which is reflected in the guiding principles of our Sustainability Strategy. Occupational safety is a major concern, especially the avoidance of workplace accidents. Training, continuing professional development (CPD), and apprenticeships are important tools for ensuring that our workforce are highly qualified.
More about our employees and apprentices.
We have been putting our social responsibility into practice for decades, both at the Group level and in within the Group companies, and support social, cultural, and educational activities in many ways. When selecting projects, care is taken to ensure that they accord with the company’s principles and create sustainable benefits for society.
More about our cultural engagement.