Conflict minerals
Protection Act, Section 1502, that requires US companies listed on the stock exchange to disclose the origin and application of four so-called conflict minerals (tantalum, tungsten, tin and gold), all of which are mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo or in any of the nine adjacent countries and could possibly be used to finance violent conflicts.
The obligations of disclosure apply to these materials along the entire supply chain and to all companies involved. voestalpine categorically rejects any use of conflict materials from any of these conflict regions and procures such materials exclusively from responsible sources.
As part of the supply chain and pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Act, voestalpine is committed to disclosure and compliance with the legal stipulations pertaining to conflict minerals. We require compliance with all obligations and an appropriate level of transparency along the supply chain.
Conflict minerals report
This transparency is important to us along the entire supply chain. We would be pleased to provide an up-to-date conflict minerals report template cfsi/CMRT.
The European Union published legislation in May 2017 in the form of Regulation 2017/821/EU defining obligations with respect to duty of care in the supply chain of certain minerals and conflict metals imported to the European Union from high-risk regions. The obligations set forth in this regulation become effective for all importers to the European Union on 1 January 2021. In contrast with the Dodd-Frank Act, this regulation includes all conflict and high-risk areas worldwide.