Nota de prensa
Global market leader voestalpine acquires railway competence center in Australia
voestalpine with jump in earnings in the first half of the business year
Despite a persistently challenging economic climate, the voestalpine Group posted a largely solid performance during the first half of the business year 2014/15 (April 1, to September 30, 2014). The business year started with optimistic economic forecasts for the mature economies and mixed expectations for the emerging markets. However, measured against these expectations, and excepting North America and China, the global economic trend cooled down in the course of the first six months. "Nevertheless, in view of the increasingly challenging environment, voestalpine Group performance during the first half of the business year was at a most satisfactory level," says Dr. Wolfgang Eder, Chairman of the voestalpine Group. A key reason for this result is the Group's broad geographical base and presence in a wide range of industries. The consistent strategic focus on global quality and technology leadership for demanding niche products, and the focus on consistently lengthening the value chain in all business segments, is a guarantee of success.
Historical Exhibit 1938-1945 – voestalpine opens place of remembrance
voestalpine expands in China with a new plant in the special steel segment
New head of Corporate Communications at voestalpine AG
voestalpine focuses on the growing aerospace market
voestalpine successfully issues EUR 400 million bond
voestalpine AG has successfully placed a EUR 400 million corporate bond in the capital market. The bond is intended in part for refinancing Hybrid Bond 2007, which the company called on 9 September 2014, effective 31 October 2014, and for general funding purposes. The quality of the order book was excellent, with orders in the magnitude of more than EUR 800 million and about 160 different investors. The bond has a term of 7 years and a coupon of 2.25%.
voestalpine CEO Wolfgang Eder is new worldsteel Chairman
Polytec Group to buy the voestalpine Group Plastics Solutions business unit
Five new department heads in key voestalpine AG functions
Expanded Management Board team at voestalpine AG
voestalpine adds new head office for its special steel activities in Turkey
voestalpine AG: Call of Hybrid Bond 2007
voestalpine will also supply heavy plate for the second South Stream pipeline
Major contract for voestalpine HBI produced in Texas
voestalpine significantly improves result in the first quarter of 2014/15
“Despite ongoing inconsistent economic trends in the most important economic regions worldwide, the voestalpine Group’s results in the first quarter of the business year 2014/15 continued to be solid,” says Wolfgang Eder, CEO and Chairman of the Management Board of voestalpine AG. In a year-to-year comparison, the technology and capital goods group succeeded in maintaining the revenue in the first quarter (April 1 – June 30, 2014) at a practically constant level (EUR 2.83 billion). The slight decline by 2.4% in comparison to the previous year (EUR 2.9 billion) is largely due to lower pre-material costs and structural changes within the Metal Engineering Division (closure of standard rail production in Duisburg). The development of revenue in the other divisions was mostly stable, although the Steel Division and the Special Steel Division faced slightly lower revenue due to the generally deflationary market environment (falling raw materials costs); the Metal Forming Division, on the other hand, saw slightly higher revenue.
voestalpine secures contract for pipeline project in Brazil
voestalpine agrees sale of the Flamco Group
voestalpine Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting approves dividend of EUR 0.95
Today, at the 22nd Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of voestalpine AG, a dividend of EUR 0.95 per dividend-bearing share was approved for the business year 2013/14. The shareholders acted on the relevant recommendation by the Management Board and the Supervisory Board. The dividend shall be paid out starting on July 14, 2014 (ex-dividend date is July 7, 2014).
voestalpine reports solid business performance and slightly higher profit for the period
Despite the continuing challenging economic situation, the voestalpine Group again demonstrated solid business development in the business year 2013/14 (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014) even though its performance did not quite measure up to the original expectations. In a year-to-year comparison, revenue slipped by 2.6% from EUR 11.5 billion to EUR 11.2 billion. The primary reason for this were declining price levels, triggered by dropping pre-material costs and continuing intense competition.
Changes to the Management Board: Appointment of a new member and changes to the allocation of responsibilities
voestalpine and Umweltdachverband settle legal dispute
The legal dispute between voestalpine and the Umweltdachverband (UWD) has been settled. After UWD Honorary President Gerhard Heilingbrunner declared to voestalpine that he would no longer uphold the criminal allegations repeatedly made against the company, last Friday voestalpine suspended the proceedings pending before the Vienna Commercial Court against both the UWD and its Honorary President.
voestalpine continues to be on track for expansion with its new plant in China
voestalpine invests more than a half billion euros in a direct reduction plant in the U.S.
voestalpine produziert höchstfeste Automobilkomponenten in den USA
voestalpine and Projekt Spielberg present the “voestalpine wing”— the gate to the Red Bull Ring
Career builder voestalpine moves forward with a new management generation heading its four divisions
The technology and capital goods Group voestalpine invests EUR 50 million each year in training and continuing education for its approximately 47,000 employees. A significant part of this amount is invested in its management team. Seven of the ten positions on the Boards of the four divisions—Steel, Special Steel, Metal Engineering, and Metal Forming—were most recently filled by new candidates or will be filled by new candidates in the near future.
The voestalpine Group’s medium-term efficiency raising and cost optimization program
Statement on the expert dialog on LD slag
The outcome of the round table at the Federal Environment Agency makes us optimistic that a solution will now be found quickly in the form of a regulation. The experts have determined that LD steel mill slag can be used in the construction of bound layers in compliance with environmental protection precautions, to which we also subscribe
voestalpine continues its expansion with a new plant in South Africa
voestalpine reports solid result after first nine months of the business year 2013/14
In recent months, expectations regarding the global economic situation have only been partially fulfilled. Therefore, the performance of the voestalpine Group’s earnings in the first three quarters of the business year 2013/14 (April 1, to December 31, 2013) took a slightly downward trajectory.
voestalpine supplies heavy plate for the South Stream Offshore Pipeline
voestalpine is acquiring an interest in ACstyria Autocluster
Economic and Corruption Prosecutor's Office discontinues proceedings against voestalpine initiated by the Umweltdachverband
The proceedings initiated by the Umweltdachverband (UWD) last summer with the Public Prosecutor's Office for Economic Affairs and Corruption against voestalpine on allegations of tax evasion of ALSAG contributions for the storage of LD slag were discontinued on December 27th. The accusation made by the UWD and constantly repeated since then has thus proven to be unfounded, as voestalpine had always expected.
voestalpine is expanding its welding technology business segment by acquiring a company in India
Latest news
Closing sale Buderus Edelstahl
The acquisition of the German subsidiary Buderus Edelstahl to Mutares SE & Co. KGaA has been completed. The parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price. The economic closing date of the transaction is January 31, 2025.
With the sale of Buderus Edelstahl, the High Performance Metals Division of voestalpine is concentrating its product portfolio on the technologically demanding high performance materials segment, while simultaneously reducing its share of standardized tool steel and high-grade engineering steel production, the price of which is coming under increasing pressure due to greater competition from outside Europe.