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  • 2014-12-16

    Global market leader voestalpine acquires railway competence center in Australia

    The voestalpine Group continues to extend its global leadership in the railway infrastructure sector and has agreed to acquire the Bathurst Rail Fabrication Center (BRFC) located in Australia. This specialist for high-quality welded rails, turnouts, and track components has a staff of around 60 employees and generated annual revenue of around EUR 34 million last year. With its turnout and rail welding plant, BRFC is the key railway competence center for Sydney Trains which in turn operates a majority of the railway network in the Australian state of New South Wales.

  • 2014-11-05

    voestalpine with jump in earnings in the first half of the business year

    Despite a persistently challenging economic climate, the voestalpine Group posted a largely solid performance during the first half of the business year 2014/15 (April 1, to September 30, 2014). The business year started with optimistic economic forecasts for the mature economies and mixed expectations for the emerging markets. However, measured against these expectations, and excepting North America and China, the global economic trend cooled down in the course of the first six months. "Nevertheless, in view of the increasingly challenging environment, voestalpine Group performance during the first half of the business year was at a most satisfactory level," says Dr. Wolfgang Eder, Chairman of the voestalpine Group. A key reason for this result is the Group's broad geographical base and presence in a wide range of industries. The consistent strategic focus on global quality and technology leadership for demanding niche products, and the focus on consistently lengthening the value chain in all business segments, is a guarantee of success.

  • 2014-10-30

    Historical Exhibit 1938-1945 – voestalpine opens place of remembrance

    In a new permanent exhibit voestalpine considers the fate of laborers under the National Socialist regime, forced to work at the Reichswerke Hermann Göring in Linz, the site of today’s voestalpine Group headquarters. The exhibit is based on recent research as well as an examination of 38,000 National Socialist personnel files and salary slips. The historical exhibit marks another important step in voestalpine’s process of appraisal of National Socialism, coming to grips with its own past and accepting responsibility for its own history.

  • 2014-10-29

    voestalpine expands in China with a new plant in the special steel segment

    The technology and capital goods group voestalpine is again driving forward its activities in the promising Asian market. The Special Steel Division, the Group’s special steel sector, yesterday signed a Letter of Intent to cooperate with Chinese foundry Kocel Machinery Co., LTD. Over the next few years voestalpine will invest around EUR 140 million, constructing a new plant which will produce premium special steel products for the Chinese market. Construction is scheduled to start in 2015, and the new company will create 400 jobs.

  • 2014-10-28

    New head of Corporate Communications at voestalpine AG

    From January 1, 2015, press spokesman Peter Felsbach (37) will take over as Head of Corporate Communications at the voestalpine Group. He succeeds Gerhard Kürner (44) who is leaving voestalpine of his own accord and on the best of terms. voestalpine’s unchanged strategic objective as a globally active Group is to drive forward communications at an international level while consistently focusing on the 2020 Group Strategy and sustainably maintaining the renowned high corporate information standard in spite of permanent growth.

  • 2014-10-24

    voestalpine focuses on the growing aerospace market

    voestalpine is a strong partner for more than just the automotive industry – the steel-based technology and capital goods group has long made a name for itself in the aerospace segment, where components and materials with the highest quality requirements are needed. At the Red Bull Air Race on October 25 and 26, the fastest motorsport in the world will nominate its world champion directly in front of the voestalpine wing in Spielberg.

  • 2014-10-09

    voestalpine successfully issues EUR 400 million bond

    voestalpine AG has successfully placed a EUR 400 million corporate bond in the capital market. The bond is intended in part for refinancing Hybrid Bond 2007, which the company called on 9 September 2014, effective 31 October 2014, and for general funding purposes. The quality of the order book was excellent, with orders in the magnitude of more than EUR 800 million and about 160 different investors. The bond has a term of 7 years and a coupon of 2.25%.

  • Wolfgang Eder


    voestalpine CEO Wolfgang Eder is new worldsteel Chairman

    Wolfgang Eder, Chairman of the Management Board of the voestalpine Group, today became the first Austrian Chairman of worldsteel at the World Steel Association’s Annual General Meeting. For one year he will lead one of the world’s largest steel industry associations, with around 170 association members representing 85% of world steel production.

  • 2014-10-01

    Polytec Group to buy the voestalpine Group Plastics Solutions business unit

    Steel-based technology and capital goods Group voestalpine has signed an agreement (‘Signing’) with the Polytec Group for the takeover of voestalpine Polynorm Van Niftrik and voestalpine Polynorm Plastics (Plastics Solutions business unit) by Polytec Netherlands Holding B.V. The decisive factor behind this sale is the company’s rapidly increasing strategic divergence from voestalpine’s core business. The selling process is scheduled for completion by the beginning of November 2014 (‘Closing’).

  • 2014-10-01

    Five new department heads in key voestalpine AG functions

    After enlarging the voestalpine AG Management Board and reducing the average age of its members, the Group is now completing its generational transfer with new first management level appointments to key functions. On October 1, 2014, Franz Michael Androsch (52) succeeds newly appointed Management Board member Peter Schwab as Head of Group’s R&D – Research and development, and Mathias Farthofer (40) takes over in Corporate Development. A new Corporate Procurement Department (Corporate Purchasing) has been created and will be headed by Michael Eyett, previously in charge of Corporate Development. Since April 1, 2014, Christian Kaufmann (40) has been the new head of the Legal Department, M&A and Compliance, with Johann Prammer (51) responsible for Environmental Affairs.

  • 2014-09-29

    Expanded Management Board team at voestalpine AG

    In order to meet the demands of the Group’s consistent internationalization process and rapid growth, voestalpine AG is expanding its Management Board from five to six members as of October 1, 2014. The newest Management Board member will be Peter Schwab, previously Head of Research & Development for the entire Group, who will take over management of the Metal Forming Division. Earlier, this division was headed by Herbert Eibensteiner, who will now take over as Head of the Steel Division. Wolfgang Eder, who has headed this division since 1999 in addition to his role as CEO, will be concentrating on his position as Chairman of the Management Board of voestalpine AG and the continuing internationalization and further strategic development of the Group in its entirety.

  • 2014-09-19

    voestalpine adds new head office for its special steel activities in Turkey

    The steel-based technology and capital goods Group voestalpine is continuing to expand its international market position in the special steel segment. In September, the voestalpine Special Steel Division is opening a new location in Gebze near Istanbul jointly with a Böhler Uddeholm sales company.

  • 2014-09-09

    voestalpine AG: Call of Hybrid Bond 2007

    The Management Board of voestalpine AG adopted a resolution today to call the entire issue of Hybrid Bond 2007 (ISIN AT0000A069T7) (issued by voestalpine AG in 2007) in accordance with § 4 (2)(i) of the terms and conditions effective on the first possible call date for this bond, namely 31 October 2014 (redemption date). The initial volume of EUR 1 billion for Hybrid Bond 2007 has been reduced by the exchange of this bond by creditors for a hybrid bond newly issued in 2013 (ISIN AT0000A0ZHF1) and currently stands at EUR 500 million.

  • 2014-09-05

    voestalpine will also supply heavy plate for the second South Stream pipeline

    This year sees the voestalpine Group securing its third major contract in the pipeline business. Following the first, now completed, contract for the Russian-European pipeline project South Stream, and for Rota 3, a pipeline project in Brazil, voestalpine will deliver 120,000 tons of sour-gas-resistant, high-strength linepipe plates for the second South Stream pipeline by spring 2015. The South Stream contract is not affected by sanctions. Further negotiations are also currently underway concerning extremely challenging pipeline projects.

  • 2014-08-20

    Major contract for voestalpine HBI produced in Texas

    In April, ground was broken for the voestalpine Group’s direct reduction plant in Corpus Christi, Texas (USA). This was preceded by 15 months of extensive environmental impact assessments, all of which were successfully completed. In the meantime, construction is on schedule. After signing a memorandum of understanding last year with the largest Mexican steel manufacturer, Altos Hornos de México (AHMSA), the Group has now entered into the final supply agreement for 400,000 tons (plus another optional 250,000 tons) of hot briquetted iron (HBI) produced in Texas. Interest on the market in high-quality sponge iron continues to be high: negotiations, some at an advanced stage, are currently underway with a series of prodigious steel manufacturers to purchase voestalpine HBI.

  • 2014-08-05

    voestalpine significantly improves result in the first quarter of 2014/15

    “Despite ongoing inconsistent economic trends in the most important economic regions worldwide, the voestalpine Group’s results in the first quarter of the business year 2014/15 continued to be solid,” says Wolfgang Eder, CEO and Chairman of the Management Board of voestalpine AG. In a year-to-year comparison, the technology and capital goods group succeeded in maintaining the revenue in the first quarter (April 1 – June 30, 2014) at a practically constant level (EUR 2.83 billion). The slight decline by 2.4% in comparison to the previous year (EUR 2.9 billion) is largely due to lower pre-material costs and structural changes within the Metal Engineering Division (closure of standard rail production in Duisburg). The development of revenue in the other divisions was mostly stable, although the Steel Division and the Special Steel Division faced slightly lower revenue due to the generally deflationary market environment (falling raw materials costs); the Metal Forming Division, on the other hand, saw slightly higher revenue.

  • 2014-07-07

    voestalpine secures contract for pipeline project in Brazil

    After South Stream (1), the voestalpine Group has secured its second major pipeline contract this year. 120,000 tons of sour-gas-resistant, high-strength linepipe plates will be delivered for the third Petrobras pipeline in the world’s largest oilfield, near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, by March 2015. This is a further example of voestalpine beating its global competitors in the hard-fought energy sector. Negotiations are also currently underway for extremely challenging pipeline projects in Russia (South Stream Pipeline 2), Mexico, and India.

  • 2014-07-04

    voestalpine agrees sale of the Flamco Group

    Today, voestalpine agreed with the industrial group Aalberts Industries N.V., headquartered in Langbroek (NL), that it would sell all of its shares (100%) in the Flamco Holding B.V. and Flamco Stag Behälterbau GmbH, headquartered in Bunschoten (NL). The decisive factor behind the divestment was Flamco’s increasingly strong divergence from core strategic business of the technology and capital goods group voestalpine. The sale is scheduled to be closed by the end of July.

  • voestalpine Linz Gasometer


    voestalpine Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting approves dividend of EUR 0.95

    Today, at the 22nd Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of voestalpine AG, a dividend of EUR 0.95 per dividend-bearing share was approved for the business year 2013/14. The shareholders acted on the relevant recommendation by the Management Board and the Supervisory Board. The dividend shall be paid out starting on July 14, 2014 (ex-dividend date is July 7, 2014).

  • voestalpine Linz Gasometer


    voestalpine reports solid business performance and slightly higher profit for the period

    Despite the continuing challenging economic situation, the voestalpine Group again demonstrated solid business development in the business year 2013/14 (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014) even though its performance did not quite measure up to the original expectations. In a year-to-year comparison, revenue slipped by 2.6% from EUR 11.5 billion to EUR 11.2 billion. The primary reason for this were declining price levels, triggered by dropping pre-material costs and continuing intense competition.

  • 2014-06-03

    Changes to the Management Board: Appointment of a new member and changes to the allocation of responsibilities

    In its meeting today, the Supervisory Board of voestalpine AG has appointed former Head of Group Research, DI Dr. Peter Schwab, to become a member of the Management Board of voestalpine AG, with effect from October 1, 2014. Consequently, from October 2014 the Management Board will consist of six, rather than five members.

  • 2014-05-19

    voestalpine and Umweltdachverband settle legal dispute

    The legal dispute between voestalpine and the Umweltdachverband (UWD) has been settled. After UWD Honorary President Gerhard Heilingbrunner declared to voestalpine that he would no longer uphold the criminal allegations repeatedly made against the company, last Friday voestalpine suspended the proceedings pending before the Vienna Commercial Court against both the UWD and its Honorary President.

  • 2014-05-14

    voestalpine continues to be on track for expansion with its new plant in China

    The voestalpine Group’s 22nd production site in China will be officially opened today. voestalpine Profilform (China), a subsidiary of the Metal Forming Division, produces and processes high-quality steel pipes and sections for agricultural and construction machinery manufacturers and for international automobile manufacturers and automotive suppliers. The plant, which will create 50 new jobs, represents an investment of EUR 20 million. The voestalpine Group already has 2,200 employees in China and generates revenue of EUR 220 million.

  • 2014-04-23

    voestalpine invests more than a half billion euros in a direct reduction plant in the U.S.

    After about a year of preparation, Wolfgang Eder, CEO of voestalpine, broke ground today for the construction of a direct reduction plant in Texas (USA). This EUR 550 million investment is the largest foreign investment in the history of the Austrian Group. The voestalpine Texas LLC plant is being constructed at the La Quinta Trade Gateway Terminal in close proximity to the City of Corpus Christi. Starting in 2016, the plant will produce two million tons of HBI (Hot Briquetted Iron) and DRI (Direct Reduced Iron) annually and will supply Austrian locations, such as Linz and Donawitz, with “sponge iron” as a premium raw material. With the new facility, voestalpine can significantly reduce production costs in Europe. The highly automated plant will create 150 jobs.

  • 2014-04-22

    voestalpine produziert höchstfeste Automobilkomponenten in den USA

    Mit dem heutigen Tag hat der 17. Produktionsstandort des voestalpine-Konzerns in den USA seinen Betrieb aufgenommen. Die voestalpine Automotive Body Parts Inc., ein Tochterunternehmen der Metal Forming Division, produziert in Cartersville/Georgia höchstfeste Karosserieteile für premiumorientierte Automobilhersteller. Mit einem Investment von 50 Millionen Euro (rund 70 Millionen USD) werden 220 Arbeitsplätze geschaffen. Damit ist die erste Phase einer umfassenden Internationalisierung des Konzerns im Automotive-Bereich abgeschlossen. Seit 2012 investierte die voestalpine über 100 Millionen Euro (140 Millionen USD) in neue Werke in China, Deutschland, Rumänien, Südafrika und den USA. Weitere Werke und Kapazitätserweiterungen sind bereits in Planung.

  • 2014-04-10

    voestalpine and Projekt Spielberg present the “voestalpine wing”— the gate to the Red Bull Ring

    With the naming of the “voestalpine wing”, the emblematic hallmark of the Styrian Red Bull Ring, which is currently under construction, the technology and capital goods Group voestalpine and Projekt Spielberg have cemented their close collaboration that spans a number of years. To mark the return of the Formula 1 to Austria, a state-of-the-art Welcome Center is being created at the Red Bull Ring; it is shaped like a racing car spoiler, creating a bridge between the emotion behind racing and the fascination for technology and innovation. The building complex, the construction of which used some 900 tons of steel, will define the start/finish straight. Both partners also want to highlight their firm commitment to Styria and its strengths and capabilities.

  • 2014-03-31

    Career builder voestalpine moves forward with a new management generation heading its four divisions

    The technology and capital goods Group voestalpine invests EUR 50 million each year in training and continuing education for its approximately 47,000 employees. A significant part of this amount is invested in its management team. Seven of the ten positions on the Boards of the four divisions—Steel, Special Steel, Metal Engineering, and Metal Forming—were most recently filled by new candidates or will be filled by new candidates in the near future.

  • 2014-03-18

    The voestalpine Group’s medium-term efficiency raising and cost optimization program

    The voestalpine Group assumes that the economic conditions will continue to remain difficult. The leadership position should be safeguarded over the long term, not only in terms of quality and technology but also in terms of results, in order to remain a stable, secure, and reliable employer in the future.

  • 2014-03-11

    Statement on the expert dialog on LD slag

    The outcome of the round table at the Federal Environment Agency makes us optimistic that a solution will now be found quickly in the form of a regulation. The experts have determined that LD steel mill slag can be used in the construction of bound layers in compliance with environmental protection precautions, to which we also subscribe

  • voestalpine Südafrika


    voestalpine continues its expansion with a new plant in South Africa

    The voestalpine Group is continuing its internationalization strategy and today opens its new Metal Forming Division site in East London, South Africa. The plant for high-quality automotive components is the latest step in the Group's comprehensive globalization strategy in the automotive sector. voestalpine is currently investing significantly more than EUR 100 million in the facilities in South Africa as well as additional plants in China, the USA, Romania, and Germany. The Group has also recently set a record research budget of EUR 140 million in order to further extend its global technological leadership.

  • Linz voestalpine Gasometer


    voestalpine reports solid result after first nine months of the business year 2013/14

    In recent months, expectations regarding the global economic situation have only been partially fulfilled. Therefore, the performance of the voestalpine Group’s earnings in the first three quarters of the business year 2013/14 (April 1, to December 31, 2013) took a slightly downward trajectory.

  • 2014-01-29

    voestalpine supplies heavy plate for the South Stream Offshore Pipeline

    The voestalpine Group chalks up another major contract in the pipeline business. Today South Stream Transport signed the contracts for delivery of 75,000 pipeline tubes. According to the announcement, the total contract value is around a billion euros. 35 percent of the project volume goes to voestalpine's Russian partner OMK, which will source around half of its requirements from Linz.

  • 2014-01-28

    voestalpine is acquiring an interest in ACstyria Autocluster

    voestalpine, the leading international technology and capital goods Group and industry leader in Styria, is acquiring a stake in ACstyria Autocluster, thus clearly signaling that Styria is on an upward trajectory as a prime location for business and industry. Consequently, the voestalpine Group, which operates worldwide, will become a part of the 20-year success story of the premier Austrian auto cluster.

  • 2014-01-10

    Economic and Corruption Prosecutor's Office discontinues proceedings against voestalpine initiated by the Umweltdachverband

    The proceedings initiated by the Umweltdachverband (UWD) last summer with the Public Prosecutor's Office for Economic Affairs and Corruption against voestalpine on allegations of tax evasion of ALSAG contributions for the storage of LD slag were discontinued on December 27th. The accusation made by the UWD and constantly repeated since then has thus proven to be unfounded, as voestalpine had always expected.

  • 2014-01-09

    voestalpine is expanding its welding technology business segment by acquiring a company in India

    The voestalpine Group is continuing to push forward with its internationalization strategy by acquiring the Indian company Maruti Weld Pvt. Ltd., which is headquartered in New Delhi. The company, which specializes in manufacturing welding electrodes, currently has 180 employees; in 2012, it generated an annual revenue of EUR 6.7 million. For voestalpine, this acquisition represents yet another expansion of its product portfolio in the welding technology segment.

Latest news

Closing sale Buderus Edelstahl

The acquisition of the German subsidiary Buderus Edelstahl to Mutares SE & Co. KGaA has been completed. The parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price. The economic closing date of the transaction is January 31, 2025.

With the sale of Buderus Edelstahl, the High Performance Metals Division of voestalpine is concentrating its product portfolio on the technologically demanding high performance materials segment, while simultaneously reducing its share of standardized tool steel and high-grade engineering steel production, the price of which is coming under increasing pressure due to greater competition from outside Europe.

The voestalpine Group in Austria

We are voestalpine - the world's leading steel and technology group with combined materials and processing expertise. With our product and system solutions, we are a leading partner to the automotive, household appliance, aerospace and energy industries and are the global market leader in railroad infrastructure systems, tool steel and special sections.

As a leading international company, we are an essential part of our country's industrial production and value creation.

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Our path to a green future

greentec steel is an ambitious plan with which we can make a valuable contribution to achieving the climate goals. In the first step, one electric arc furnace (EAF) powered by green electricity will be built at each of the sites in Linz and Donawitz. Starting in 2027, we will produce around 2.5 million tons of CO2-reduced steel annually: 1.6 million tons in Linz, and 850,000 tons in Donawitz. We are in the middle of the practical implementation of the first step. All implementation projects in Linz and Donawitz are proceeding according to plan and are on schedule.

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