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Press Releases

  • 21 December 2006

    voestalpine finalizes sale of its steel trading group

    On December 20, voestalpine Stahl GmbH, a company of the listed voestalpine AG, and the Polish company Zlomrex S.A. signed an agreement on the sale of the voestalpine Group's steel trading group. Zlomrex S.A. will initially take over 74.9% of voestalpine Stahlhandel GmbH. There are mutual purchase and sale rights for the remaining 25.1%, which can be exercised in two years at the earliest.

  • 21 December 2006

    voestalpine Expands Automotive Business with Major Acquisition

    voestalpine AG listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange expands its automotive supplier business with the acquisition of three western European companies.

    • Majoritarian acquisition of three western European automotive suppliers with total sales of around EUR 210 million and more than 1,000 employees.
    • Expansion of series competence in the structural body parts and safety components segments.
    • Strengthening of position as direct supplier to the automobile industry.
  • 22 November 2006

    voestalpine in talks about the sale of the steel trading group

    The Management Board of the listed voestalpine AG already decided at the beginning of the current business year 2006/07 to sell the Group's steel trading group, as this division no longer performs a strategic sales function for the voestalpine Group.

  • 13 November 2006

    voestalpine heading for a new record after best half-year in the Group's history

    For already the fifth time in succession the voestalpine Group has presented an improved half-year result. With a noticeable increase in revenue and all relevant financial key figures as compared to the previous year, the first six months of the financial year 2006/07 were the most successful ones so far in the history of the Group.

  • 13 November 2006

    voestalpine heading for a new record after best half year in the groups history

    For the fifth time in a row, the voestalpine Group presented an improved half-year result. The first six months of the 2006/07 business year were the best in the company's history, with significant increases in revenue and all financial data compared to the previous year.

  • 1 November 2006

    voestalpine brings Rohstoffhandel into Joint Venture with German Scholz AG

    voestalpine AG, listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange, is continuing its focus on strategic key business areas by bringing voestalpine Rohstoffhandel GmbH, which operates in the scrap recycling and scrap trading sectors, into a newly established joint venture. At the same time, however, by significantly extending its procurement base it is also securing a long-term basic supply of scrap as an important raw material for steel production at the Linz and Donawitz sites.

  • 11 October 2006

    voestalpine AG Repurchases Own Shares

    On the basis of the authorization granted by the General Meeting of Shareholders on July 5, 2006, the Management Board of voestalpine AG resolved on October 10 to acquire up to a maximum of 10% of the Company’s own shares until such time as that authorization expires (that is including December 31, 2007).

  • 10 October 2006

    voestalpine not interested in Serbian Mining Group RTB Bor

    Contrary to agency reports, voestalpine AG is not interested in the Serbian mining Group RTB Bor (Rudarsko-topionicarski bazen Bor). As Wolfgang Eder, Chairman of the Management Board of voestalpine AG, clarified, the reports have apparently confused voestalpine AG with VOEST-ALPINE Intertrading Aktiengesellschaft.

  • 18 September 2006

    voestalpine Steering Record Course with New Rail Rolling Mill

    Around seven months after commencement of production and barely three months after the official opening, voestalpine confirms success of its new rail rolling mill in Leoben/Donawitz, Styria.

  • 28 July 2006

    voestalpine Acquires German Wire Drawing Company

    The Division Railway Systems of the listed voestalpine AG expands its activities in the wire segment through acquisition of a wire drawing plant in Germany.

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