The EU REACH Regulation became effective as of June 1, 2007. The preregistration of chemical substances required pursuant to REACH was completed by the voestalpine Group on schedule by December 1, 2008; 28 Group companies carried out about 1,000 preregistrations with the European Chemicals Agency in Helsinki. As was the case with preregistration, the execution of the (final) registrations by December 1, 2010 was also coordinated Group-wide. Ultimately 23 chemical substances of 16 different material (e.g., iron, iron, oxide, slags, scale, etc.) were submittet by seven Group companies.
Who can help with additional information?
For product-specific questions:
A REACH manager has been appointed for each voestalpine company that is affected by REACH who will assist you with additional information about the content of REACH provisions. Should you have any questions, simply send us a query to