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  • Investigación y desarrollo
    Nuestros laboratorios prestan servicios a clientes externos e internos, como garantía de calidad, ingeniería de aplicaciones, ensayos por contrato e investigación y desarrollo. Unas máquinas modernas y unos empleados bien formados son la clave de unos resultados fiables.

Understanding of Innovation

To us innovation stands for new or different solutions that satisfy customer needs and result in products or production processes, organizational processes or new ways of doing business. Our research and development efforts play a major role and are focused on three pillars: generating knowledge through applied research, new product development and product optimization. Research is cost-intensive, but innovations and newly generated knowledge create added value for our customers and company.

Research and Organization

Our new R&D structure has linked all production units in order to shrink the time to market for new product development. We have established global R&D competence centers in Europe that provide targeted excellence in the fields of applied research and product development for global applications of consumables. Outside Europe our regional R&D centers communicate closely with all others to share knowledge and accelerate development of tailor-made solutions for local market requirements. This setup places us closer to our customers and makes us more attentive to their ever-changing needs. It also secures our market leadership in the competitive welding industry. Expertise is an important success factor for us. A key component was the founding of an efficient steering committee structure that includes the Management Board, executive management, R&D heads and specific group key functions. This ensures that our entire global innovation process functions smoothly and that our innovation pipeline is constantly kept full to replace ageing products and processes. These and many other measures underline our objective to promote a culture of  innovation culture within our company.

Open Innovation

Fully driven by the market, we continually develop technically advanced welding solutions and collaborate with more than forty scientific research partners in Europe and the United States. We are a leading industrial player. Our excellent R&D network in the voestalpine Group and our extensive metallurgical expertise foster development of new customer solutions with clear USPs and competitive advantages in the welding consumable industry. One such innovation originates in our close cooperation with the voestalpine Steel Division. The so-called alform® welding system features tailored welding consumables that meet the highest requirements in the welding of the high-strength hot-rolled steels and heavy plates in the alform® series of voestalpine. The field of high-strength alloys is another of our core R&D areas featuring nickel-based, heat- and corrosion-resistant materials and overlaying and brazing alloys. 

La garantía de calidad, las pruebas y el desarrollo de nuevos metales de aportación deben llevarse a cabo en laboratorios de pruebas certificados. En los modernos y bien equipados laboratorios de voestalpine Böhler Welding se cumplen los requisitos específicos de los clientes. Nuestros laboratorios de soldadura son indispensables en las pruebas de metales de aportación de nuevo desarrollo. Dichos metales también se prueban durante la fase de desarrollo para determinar las propiedades del producto y los niveles de calidad. Además, se realizan soldaduras de prueba para las pruebas de aceptación. Los análisis especiales son particularmente necesarios para los materiales de aportación de alta y media aleación y sólo pueden realizarse utilizando equipos modernos como los del laboratorio químico de voestalpine Böhler Welding Germany. La participación regular y con éxito en pruebas round-robin internacionales documenta nuestra amplia experiencia. El laboratorio químico de voestalpine Böhler Welding Germany está certificado desde 2012 conforme a la norma internacional DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 (D-PL-17123-01-00). Para cumplir los requisitos de las normas y reglamentos aplicables, los materiales de aportación deben someterse a ensayos para comprobar su idoneidad mecánica. Nuestros laboratorios de ensayo de materiales ofrecen un amplio espectro de ensayos no destructivos, mecánicos y metalográficos. Si es necesario, los ensayos pueden realizarse en presencia de una institución de certificación independiente y/o del cliente.