unsere Mission

Als weltweit führender Anbieter von Hochleistungswerkstoffen mit einem einzigartigen Servicenetz, in das unsere Kund:innen vertrauen, schaffen wir langanhaltende Performance, die den Anforderungen unseres Planeten und künftiger Generationen gerecht wird. Durch unsere Integration von Produkten, Dienstleistungen und technischer Beratung haben wir einen tiefgreifenden Einfluss auf unser Geschäftsfeld. Wir gehen dabei mit gutem Beispiel voran und ermöglichen es unseren Kund:innen, sich an nachhaltigen Initiativen zu beteiligen, während wir gleichzeitig unsere Lieferant:innen und Partner:innen dazu anspornen, bei den wichtigen Transformationsprozessen von Morgen an vorderster Front mitzuwirken. Gemeinsam inspirieren wir den Wandel in unseren Branchen, indem wir immer einen Schritt voraus denken und handeln.

unsere zentralen Nachhaltigkeitsziele

Unsere Nachhaltigkeitskonzept inSPire ist gekommen, um zu bleiben.

Jede Transformation braucht eine Vision. Um diese Vision in die Tat umzusetzen, sind eine konkrete Strategie und Ziele für die tägliche Arbeit unerlässlich.

Unsere Ziele sind klar: Wir wollen in den Bereichen Circular Economy und Climate Impact einen erheblichen Beitrag leisten. Aus diesem Grund haben wir unser eigenes Nachhaltigkeitskonzept entwickelt, das vier Schwerpunktthemen und entsprechende Nachhaltigkeitsmaßnahmen umfasst und dabei alle Säulen der Nachhaltigkeit berücksichtigt.


unsere Schwerpunktthemen

Im Rahmen unserer Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie konzentrieren wir uns auf vier inhaltliche Säulen, von denen jeweils spezifische Handlungsfelder abgeleitet werden. Letztere umfassen konkrete Initiativen und Ziele, die uns in unserer täglichen Arbeit anleiten.

unsere Werte

Innerhalb unseres inSPire-Nachhaltigkeitskonzepts leben und handeln wir nach den folgenden Werten, die unser tägliches Handeln und unseren Geschäftsbetrieb prägen und leiten.



Erfahren Sie mehr über inSPire, einschließlich interessanter Beispiele unserer Schwerpunktthemen, und laden Sie hier unsere inSPire-Broschüre herunter.

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Partner:innen & Kooperationen

Um unsere Pläne in die Tat umzusetzen, stützen wir uns auf ein breites und vielfältiges Partner:innennetz. Im Rahmen unserer Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen arbeiten wir mit verschiedenen Organisationen zusammen, unter anderem mit folgenden:


Philipp Horner

Philipp Horner

Chief Sustainability Officer
voestalpine High Performance Metals

Wir verstehen Nachhaltigkeit als Chance und haben uns im Rahmen der Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie ambitionierte Ziele gesetzt.

Philipp Horner, CSO voestalpine HPM

get inspired: News & weitere Informationen

ESG in our supply chain and the role of sustainable sourcing

Sustainable sourcing is much more than just an economic responsibility. When procuring raw materials, companies must ensure responsible corporate governance and respect for human rights, all the while striving for environmental protection.

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Sustainable Sourcing: Climate Protection through Sustainable Procurement

Sustainable procurement is becoming increasingly important in active climate protection. At the same time, it is an essential part of any sustainable business model.The High Performance Metals (HPM) Division is already taking this into account and has created its own sustainable sourcing pillar as part of its sustainability framework “inSPire” to keep it on the cutting edge of this complex topic.

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eco2nboard: The transparent carbon footprint

We have been working for some time already on integrating all aspects of sustainability into daily operations with our “inSPire” framework. Thanks to our newly developed carbon footprint calculations at product level – eco2nboard – we are now able to evaluate the environmental impacts of HPM products even better, and make them available to our customers in a transparent format.

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HPM focuses its efforts on energy efficiency: Making full use of potential

Efficiency is a top priority for us here at the High Performance Metals (HPM) Division—and this also concerns our energy use. There is great potential here for cutting emissions and costs, as well as for promoting alternative energies.

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Energy supply of the future: Promoting environmentally friendly energy

By drawing from environmentally friendly energy supplies, we can sustainably cover large parts of the energy requirements of the High Performance Metals Division. We also aim to achieve the ambitious goal of climate neutrality by 2050. To make this possible, we are focusing on the use and promotion of green energy sources under the Climate Impact pillar of our sustainability framework inSPire.

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Decarbonization: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions for a positive effect on the environment

Significantly reducing our emissions is one of the High Performance Metals (HPM) Division’s explicit goals. Reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions is therefore a key area of action under the Climate Impact pillar of our inSPire sustainability framework. And a wide range of measures are bringing us closer to that goal: ambitious decarbonization roadmaps and real-world projects for greater energy efficiency, less natural gas, and an increased use of renewable energies.

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voestalpine HPM tooling solutions increase performance and reduce carbon emissions

Wherever your manufacturing business lies in the value chain, your ability to increase productivity and reduce carbon emissions are key competitive factors. In this article, we share a recent case study showing how one of our customers in the automotive industry addressed these factors by using a voestalpine Sub Insert in their high pressure die casting operation.

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Climate Impact at HPM: Our contribution to climate protection

Within the High Performance Metals (HPM) Division, the “Climate Impact” pillar is dedicated to the topic of climate protection as part of inSPire. The focus is on decarbonization through improved energy efficiency, electrification, and the use of renewable energies.

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Alternative raw material sources: The potential of batteries

In addition to steel scrap, alloy elements such as nickel, cobalt, manganese, and other alloys are essential components of our products. However, various global developments are affecting the availability of these critical raw materials. Within our sustainability framework inSPire, the High Performance Metals Division is looking for long-term ways to keep these valuable elements in the product cycle, for example by recycling grinding sludge or batteries in order to be able to meet demand in the long term.

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Recycling of by-products: “Waste” with added value

Scale, dust, and slag can be used as secondary sources of raw materials—by-products that have traditionally been seen as waste often contain valuable resources. At HPM, we have long been committed to recycling the by-products from our production sites and reintegrating them into the value chain. The inSPire Circular Economy team is working to develop this topic further across several projects. In this article, we take a look behind the scenes.

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Closing the loop with circular economy

The concept of the circular economy with a closed material and energy cycle replaces the traditional linear economy. At the High Performance Metals Division, we have set ourselves the goal of consistently implementing this model under inSPire in our business processes, for example through projects to further develop material and scrap cycles and to recycle end-of-life (EOL) tools.

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Circular Economy in the HPM Division: From waste to value

Efficient recycling of resources has long been a major concern for us. For this reason, the circular economy represents a key field of action, which we would like to develop further as one of the four supporting pillars in our sustainability framework inSPire.

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Teamwork makes the dream work - Part 2

In our sustainability framework inSPire, we highly value teamwork. Our committed pillar teams actively contribute to knowledge sharing and collaboration. Read part 2 now to find out more about our colleagues responsible for Social Impact and Sustainable Sourcing.

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Teamwork makes the dream work - Part 1

In our sustainability framework inSPire, we highly value teamwork. Our committed pillar teams actively contribute to knowledge sharing and collaboration. Find here the first team portraits for Circular Economy and Climate Impact.

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Sustainability with real value

Creating a sustainability framework is one thing. Filling it with life and integrating it into everyday work is another. Authentic values and impactful projects help make this approach a success.

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inSPire is here to stay

We are on a mission. A mission we pursue with deep conviction and commitment: We strive for long-lasting performance that meets the needs of our planet and future generations. inSPire offers the framework and inspiration for this.

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Sustainable performance inSPires

At the High Performance Metals (HPM) Division, we believe that true sustainability transformation starts from within. This means we set out to inspire with our actions.

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Uddeholm erhält Auszeichnung

Schaeffler AG zeichnet Uddeholm Deutschland mit dem Lieferant:innen-­Award “Nachhaltigkeit” aus

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Shaping the world (TM)

Unsere Tochtergesellschaft Uddeholm fertigt Lösungen für kommende Generationen

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Innovation vorantreiben

Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie und Maßnahmen bei unserer Tochtergesellschaft voestalpine Böhler Edelstahl

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Verantwortung ernst nehmen

Internationale Umwelt- und Sozialinitiativen auf Ebene des voestalpine-Konzerns

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