The CO₂UNTDOWN TO ZERO has started!
We are all responsible to actively contribute to the future of our planet. Climate change is one of the biggest challenges. We have set ourselves the goal of making the Metal Forming Division CO₂-neutral. All employees at all our 50+ locations worldwide are pursuing our mission: 0% CO₂ emissions by 2035.
Our roadmap to the 0% goal
A clearly defined roadmap is the basis for the large number of concrete measures. The cornerstones and guiding principles are:
- Saving energy and optimizing processes
- Switching to renewable energy sources
- Producing our own green energy
- Minimizing the CO₂ footprint of our products
- Raising environmental awareness

270 projects already being realised
From the photovoltaic systems on the roofs of our factories – both our plants in Austria and Brazil are already using green electricity exclusively – to the CO₂-optimized procurement of raw materials, logistics and transport. Find out more about CO₂UNTDOWN TO ZERO and our current progress here.
Active employee contribution
Our CO₂UNTDOWN TO ZERO program also relies on our employees. With their specialist knowledge, they know best how and where further CO₂ savings can be made. And environmental responsibility does not stop at the factory gates. They help to raise environmental awareness both inside and outside the workplace through climate-friendly initiatives.

Our vision: The Green Factory
The Green Factory is the target image for every business unit in our division. As the units differ in their product portfolios, processes, operations and manufacturing methods, the Green Factory has different detailed characteristics for each unit. Our interactive graphics provide more information on the diverse and fascinating solutions, where and how CO₂ emissions are avoided in the Green Factory. Find out more about the solutions for each business unit here.