Silná společnost v silné divizi. Město Krems je jedním ze síde společnosti voestalpine AG a sídlem společnosti Metal Forming Division, která zaměstnává přes 10 000 pracovníků ve více než 40 společnostech na čtyřech kontinentech.
Kromě společnosti voestalpine Krems GmbH, evropské špičky ve výrobě speciálních trubek a profilů, je druhým významným podnikem se sídlem v Kremsu společnost voestalpine Krems Finaltechnik, specialista na vysokoregálové sklady, systémové regály a silniční svodidlové systémy.
Řešení na klíč od voestalpine Krems Finaltechnik. Nabízíme rozsáhlou odbornost v jedné koncernové firmě a na jednom místě – od vývoje a výroby profilů přes jejich další zpracování až po řešení na klíč, realizovaná společností voestalpine Krems Finaltechnik.
Ve společnosti voestalpine Krems Finaltechnik dnes pracuje přes 200 osob v nejrůznějších odborných profesích jako jsou specialisté na vysokoregálové sklady, systémové regály a silniční svodidlové systémy.

Our Vision
Expertise & Innovation. We accompany our customers from the idea to the turnkey (special) solution in the areas of high bay warehouses and road safety . Because highest quality is the only option for us.
High Bay Warehouses. Firmly on the ground, but flying high. We guarantee optimal use of areas by using our innovative, efficient and sustainable storage solutions. Because every millimeter helps when it comes to space.
Road Safety. Start safely, arrive safely. We ensure safety on Europe's roads. Because every life counts.
Our History
voestalpine Krems Finaltechnik was founded in 1990 as an independent company and today employs over 200 employees in various professions as specialists for high bay warehouses, system racks and road safety. But the history of ore smelting and iron working in the Krems region begins much much earlier, and evidence exists that it has been practised here since the beginning of modern history.
500 years of ore smelting. As far back as 1525, a copper mill was operated in Wöllersdorf in the Südbahn region, which is around 80 kilometres from Krems. This copper mill can be regarded as the first root of the company that exists today.
From copper to iron. In 1711 the copper mill was taken over by Franz Schmid from Schmidsfelden and transferred to Wasendorf in Styria , where it was then transformed into a iron mill and a sheet-iron mill. In 1854 came the merger with the Hungarian Sheet Metal Union and the Johann Adolf smelting works in Paßhammer into Styria. Shortly thereafter, the foundry was absorbed by the company Rottenmanner Eisenwerke AG.
From sheet-metal production to sheet-metal processing. In 1939, Rottenmanner Eisenwerke AG chose Krems as the location for its thin-sheet rolling mill and surface refinement facility. In 1955, the plant came under the administration of VÖEST, which later developed into voestalpine AG and was then fully integrated into the company in 1963. Within a matter of just a few years, the restructuring from a sheet-metal production to sheet-metal processing took place.
A principal voestalpine AG location. Krems is today one of the most important locations of the global voestalpine Group and the headquarters of Metal Forming Division. The companies of the division connect material expertise in a unique way – the steel is produced just 100 kilometres upstream along the Danube in the voestalpine steel mill in Linz – and processing expertise, which is reflected in the guiding principles of the division: "Leading in metal forming with material expertise".