Our product portfolio, which is all part of our modular diagnostic monitoring platform, consist of:
- zentrak Hot Bearing Detection (HBD) and zentrak Hot Wheel Detection (HWD),
- zentrak Acoustic Monitoring Sensor (AMS),
- zentrak Wheel Defect Detection (WDD) and zentrak Weighing In Motion (WIM),
- zentrak Hot Motor Detection (HMD) and zentrak Hot Gear Box Detection (HGD),
- zentrak Dragging Equipment Detection (DED),
- our Rolling Stock Monitoring software with zentrak
Our goal is client satisfaction through intelligent, customizable wayside monitoring solutions. With almost 3,000 systems installed, we help ensure safety and performance on track – worldwide.
Anciennement DataTraks, Inc.
En activité de 1998 à 2016.
Spécialisé dans les systèmes de surveillance des chemins de fer, avec un accent sur la détection acoustique des roulements (ABD).
Fournissait des services matériels et logiciels personnalisés à l'industrie ferroviaire.
Acquis en janvier 2017 par voestalpine Signaling
Partie de la division Metal Ingeneering
Le siège social est situé à Loveland, CO.
15 employés.

Steve-Patrick STAHL
Member of the Management Board - Chairman / Operations
Operations / Finances / Sales

Member of the Management Board - Technology
Research & Development / Engineering / Software
En savoir plus sur le trafic mixte chez voestalpine Railway Systems.
En savoir plus sur le trafic urbain pour les métros chez voestalpine Railway Systems.
En savoir plus sur la circulation urbaine pour les tramways chez voestalpine Railway Systems.
En savoir plus sur le trafic de marchandises chez voestalpine Railway Systems.
En savoir plus sur le trafic à grande vitesse chez voestalpine Railway Systems.
Products & Services
See more information about rolling stock products at voestalpine Railway Systems.
Installation services for diagnostic monitoring technologies (DMT)
Maintenance services
Remote monitoring services
Coordinate civil work in railway environment
Terms & Conditions, Facts
voestalpine Signaling USA, LLC.
815 14th Street SW Bldg D #100
Loveland, CO 80537
USALegal Form: Limited Liability Company (LLC.)
Headquarters: Loveland/ColoradoGoverned under the laws of the State of Colorado
EIN: 81-4347691 -