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Brazing Pastes
Refillable Paste Container

Approfittate di prodotti tecnici collaudati e personalizzati. I principali mercati per la brasatura sono l'Europa, l'Asia, il Nord, il Centro e il Sud America. In qualità di partner competente per le applicazioni di brasatura, voestalpine Böhler Welding si occupa anche di molti clienti dell'industria automobilistica. La selezione e lo sviluppo dei prodotti tengono conto delle seguenti tendenze del settore:

  • Sistemi di alimentazione diretta ad alta pressione
  • Componenti per la riduzione delle emissioni ad alta efficienza e consumo di carburante nei motori delle autovetture
  • Nuovi sistemi di raffreddamento EGR/AGR per ridurre le emissioni
  • convertitore di coppia per trasmissioni moderne
  • Brasatura dolce e paste brasanti per batterie e componenti di gestione termica dei veicoli elettrici

voestalpine Böhler Welding opera in tutto il mondo ed è coinvolta in numerosi progetti di ricerca e sviluppo, oltre a lavorare a stretto contatto con gli OEM dell'industria automobilistica. Applichiamo la filosofia "customer first" e siamo lieti di condividere le nostre conoscenze e offrire supporto tecnico per la tecnologia di brasatura e l'ottimizzazione dei processi. Forniamo competenze tecniche ai nostri clienti e troviamo soluzioni insieme.

Copper Based Filler Metals

Product Name ISO 17672 ISO 3677 AWS 5.8 Melting range (°C) Melting range (°F) Characteristics Typical applications
AP - CL Series Cu 141/ Cu 099 B-Cu100(P)-1083/ B-Cu99-1083 BCU-1 /Bcu-1a 1083 1981 high fluidity, hydrogen and nitrogen furnace brazing, induction brazing, vacuum brazing, high and low metal contend , slow or fast drying , low and high metal contend possible alloyed steel tube constructions and high /low pressure injection rails, induction brazing of gasoline pipes, torque converter
AP - AL Series Cu 110 B-Cu100-1083 B-Cu1b 1083 1981 use in coal athmospare, Cu - Oxide containing, flux containing and wide gap brazing paste possible, slow or fast drying, medium fluidly unalloyed and alloyed steel, constructions, tungsten carbide,
AP- GL series B-CuSn-968/1060 960 - 1060 1760 -1940 use in coal atmosphere, low or fast drying, good gap filling, low working temperature, toque converter, brazing sintered parts to steel
AP - CL Series Cu 141/ Cu 099 B-Cu100(P)-1083/ B-Cu99-1083 BCU-1 /Bcu-1a 1083 1981 high fluidity, hydrogen and nitrogen furnace brazing, induction brazing, vacuum brazing, high and low metal contend , slow or fast drying , low and high metal contend possible alloyed steel tube constructions and high /low pressure injection rails, induction brazing of gasoline pipes, torque converter
AP - AL Series Cu 110 B-Cu100-1083 B-Cu1b 1083 1981 use in coal athmospare, Cu - Oxide containing, flux containing and wide gap brazing paste possible, slow or fast drying, medium fluidly unalloyed and alloyed steel, constructions, tungsten carbide,
AP- GL series B-CuSn-968/1060 960 - 1060 1760 -1940 use in coal atmosphere, low or fast drying, good gap filling, low working temperature, toque converter, brazing sintered parts to steel

Silver Filler Metals

Product Name ISO 17672 ISO 3677 AWS 5.8 Melting range (°C) Melting range (°F) Characteristics Typical applications
HTL -2 Series Ni 620 B-Ni82CrSiBFe-970/1000 BNi-2 970 - 1000 1780 -1830 vacuum and shielding gas furnace brazing, induction brazing, screen printing, low or fast drying low temperature catalysts, EGR cooler,
HTL-5M B-Ni72CrSiP- 971/1051 971 - 1051 1779 -1923 vacuum or shielding gas furnace brazing, low or fast drying low pressure EGR Cooler, fluid transport
HTL-5CR B-Ni61CrSiP-1070/1090 1070 - 1090 1958 -1994 vacuum or shielding gas furnace brazing, low or fast drying, high corrosion resistance high temperature EGR Cooler, high temperature catalysts
HTL-7 Ni-710 BNi-7 890 1630 high fluidity , Boron free thin wall tube constructions, heating elements
HTL -2 Series Ni 620 B-Ni82CrSiBFe-970/1000 BNi-2 970 - 1000 1780 -1830 vacuum and shielding gas furnace brazing, induction brazing, screen printing, low or fast drying low temperature catalysts, EGR cooler,
HTL-5M B-Ni72CrSiP- 971/1051 971 - 1051 1779 -1923 vacuum or shielding gas furnace brazing, low or fast drying low pressure EGR Cooler, fluid transport
HTL-5CR B-Ni61CrSiP-1070/1090 1070 - 1090 1958 -1994 vacuum or shielding gas furnace brazing, low or fast drying, high corrosion resistance high temperature EGR Cooler, high temperature catalysts
HTL-7 Ni-710 BNi-7 890 1630 high fluidity , Boron free thin wall tube constructions, heating elements