Railway Systems Academy on LinkedIn

Join the world of Railway Systems Academy on LinkedIn!

Our LinkedIn channel provides a unique opportunity to keep up to date with the latest developments, our training offers and railway specific content. It's not just about providing information, but also about connecting professionals, training participants and anyone interested in the railway industry. Here, knowledge can be exchanged and current trends in the rail industry can be discussed.

With regular updates on our LinkedIn channel, we offer you interesting topics on the latest developments in the railway industry. Here are some of the highlights you can expect:

  • Current Training Offers: We regularly update you on our current training offerings. These include classroom, online, and e-learning training that give you the opportunity to expand your knowledge in various areas of the rail industry.
  • Experts Insights: Railway Systems Academy experts provide insights into their areas of expertise on our LinkedIn channel. This gives you the opportunity to benefit from world-class expertise and gain insight into industry challenges and opportunities.
  • Knowledge Hub: We will also post articles on interesting topics in the railway industry. These will help to deepen the understanding of complex issues in the rail industry.
  • Know-how Transfer: Through our LinkedIn channel, we want to encourage discussion and the exchange of knowledge between railway experts and those interested in railways.

The Railway Systems Academy looks forward to keeping you up to date via our LinkedIn channel.

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  • Bernd Hinterleitner
  • Vice President – Railway Systems Academy
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