Slight decline in the financial key performance indicators (adjusted for non-recurring effects) of the voestalpine Group in the first three quarters of 2016/17 compared to the first nine months of the previous year is primarily due to the extremely weak oil and gas sector throughout the entire 2016 calendar year. Against this backdrop, revenue fell by 3.3% from EUR 8.4 to EUR 8.1 billion in a comparison of the nine month figures. Since the operating result (EBITDA) and the profit from operations (EBIT) of the voestalpine Group in the previous year were considerably impacted by positive non-recurring effects, a comparison has limited informative value unless looking at the adjusted figures. On this basis, EBITDA dropped marginally by 0.8% from EUR 1.07 to EUR 1.06 billion in the year-to-year comparison. Conversely, based on the reported figures (i.e. not adjusted for non-recurring effects), EBITDA declined by 12.1% from EUR 1.2 to EUR 1.1 billion. Even more marked was the decline in profit from operations (EBIT) as a result of the depreciation basis increase, especially due to finalizing major investment projects. Adjusted for non-recurring effects, EBIT dropped by 8.5% from EUR 608 million to EUR 556 million in the year-to-year comparison. The non-adjusted EBIT went down by 25%, from EUR 727 million to EUR 545 million. The increase in the net financial debt from EUR 3.2 billion recorded on December 31, 2015 to EUR 3.5 billion recorded on December 31, 2016, and thereby also the rise in the gearing ratio from 57% to 61.2% during the same period, is mainly due to the considerable rise in raw material prices. The voestalpine Group’s number of employees rose by 1.8% to 48,765 (FTE) in the year-to-year comparison.