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FAQ: details about voestalpine cares run

voestalpine employees collect so-called "cares" their sporting activities and so therefore donations of voestalpine for charity organisations. But what are cares actually and how can you participate in the international exercise initiative voestalpine cares run? You can find all the details here.

What is the voestalpine cares run and why should I participate?

At the voestalpine cares run we move together for our health and for a good cause. With the Moveeffect app, you can track your physical activities of running, walking, hiking, wheelchair use and handcycling. And thereby fill the voestalpine donation pot. 

Which activities are counted in the voestalpine cares run?

Running, walking, hiking, wheelchair riding and handcycling.

What are cares?

To create a unit for health, the unit cares (CaRes = CaresRewards) was created. cares are multifactorial values that are composed of different parameters, e.g. type of sport, intensity, duration, distance, speed and altitude metres based on personal average values (age, weight). Accordingly, one care corresponds to an energy consumption of about 70 kcal, which is based on sport-specific average values. Depending on the activity and the above-mentioned parameters, you collect different numbers of cares. This can then look different, for example when jogging. If we run one km, this corresponds to an average consumption of about 70 kcal. If we jog for 10 minutes, this corresponds to a calorie consumption of about 140 kcal, i.e. 2 cares. Using a conversion key (depending on the type of sport), the cares collected together worldwide correspond to a donation sum from voestalpine. After each jointly achieved stage goal, a donation is released.

What does the "onion graphic" on the voestalpine cares run website mean?

With each sporting activity, the cares circles of the "onion graphic" (see picture alongside the text) gradually fill up. Each circle represents a donation stage and at the same time a defined donation amount. There are four circles resp. four stages of donations the employees can fill over the period of voestalpine cares run. The money is donated to selected charitable projects. Donations are always made when voestalpine e​mployees have filled a cares circle through their sporting activities (running, walking, hiking, wheelchair use and hand cycling). The required number of cares to reach the the stage goal and the corresponding donation will be announced at the beginning of each new stage. The current intermediate status is marked in dark blue. When a level is reached, the next score to be achieved is announced.​

How can I participate in the voestalpine cares run?

You can track your activities for the voestalpine cares run with the MOVEEFFECT app.

  • With a private smartphone: Download the MOVEEFFECT app from the app store (available for iOS and Android).
  • With company mobile phone: Download the MOVEEFFECT app via "company portal". 
  • In countries with no access to app stores: Download app here

Log in and enter the registration code (it can be found in the employee magazine and on the posters in your company). 

Can I synchronise the data from my sports tracker with the Moveeffect app?

Yes, MOVEEFFECT is compatible with popular sports trackers, e.g. Garmin, Strava, Suunto, Google Fit, Apple Health, Polar. This allows you to conveniently synchronise your device with the MOVEEFFECT app. Sports activities can also be entered manually.

Until when can I still collect cares?

The voestalpine cares run ends on 23 May 2025 at the latest. Until then, cares can be collected via the Moveeffect app. Registration is possible at any time during the campaign period.

How can I draw attention to my activities online?

  • You can post about your sports activities in Moveeffect-App. Others will see your post in the newsfeed.  
  • Additionally, use the intranet and myApp to share the action.
  • On social media you can also use the hashtag #caresrun eg. on LinkedIn, Instagram etc. This might also motivate your colleagues to take part in the voestalpine cares run.

Who benefits from the donations?

The donations go to concrete projects of international aid organisations.

Who can I contact if I have questions about the app?

Questions about the app can possibly be answered by Moveeffect: 

Who can I contact if I have general questions about the voestalpine cares run inititive?

Please contact Group Communication of voestalpine Group: