Award for sustainable steel production

Die voestalpine Steel Division wurde am Standort Linz von ResponsibleSteel als nachhaltig produzierender Stahlhersteller ausgezeichnet.

voestalpine Steel Division on the right track!

Twelve underlying principles and 200 criteria met with flying colors! The Linz production site of the voestalpine Steel Division was awarded a certificate by the non-profit organization ResponsibleSteel. This makes voestalpine one of the first companies worldwide to receive this award.

Hubert Zajicek, Head of the Steel Division, sums up the significance of the award for the company and its customers: “This certification provides ample proof that voestalpine complies with each of the strictly defined sustainability standards. This sends an important signal to our customers, who attach ever increasing importance to supplier sustainability."

Sustainably tested

ResponsibleSteel is the first global sustainability initiative in the steel industry. The production site was audited in great detail for the certification by LRQA, an independent auditing company. Demanding requirements were met in the process. Every detail of sustainability was taken into account from the responsible sourcing of raw materials to the reduction of CO2 emissions and the company’s actions with respect to employee and human rights.

Das Zertifikat für nachhaltige Stahlproduktion am Standort Linz (verliehen von der Organisation ResponsibleSteel) zeigt, dass der grüne Weg stimmt.

Strategy to directly avoid CO2 emissions.

Excitement and incentive

voestalpine has been leading the way in environmental protection and sustainability for years in order to achieve the ambitious goals it has set. Broad-based and targeted measures set industrial standards. Please see the examples below.

voestalpine bietet alle Flachstahlprodukte mit reduziertem CO2-Fußabdruck in der greentec steel Edition an.

greentec steel

With a reduced carbon footprint, the greentec steel Edition of voestalpine offers all flat steel products, including the innovative high-strength and ultra-high-strength steels of the ultralights portfolio. The carbon footprint is documented, which allows customers to substantiate their reduced emissions in a transparent manner. Take a new path with voestalpine greentec steel Edition.

Hybrid technology and green hydrogen

Our transition from the coal-based blast furnace route to a green-power-based electric steelmaking route will take place in 2030. The hybrid technology featuring the electric-arc furnace will reduce CO2 emissions by roughly 30% by the year 2030.

The use of green hydrogen in steel production will be successively increased in the long term in order to produce steel in a carbon-neutral fashion by the year 2050. H2Future, a pilot plant for the production of green hydrogen, is already in operation at the voestalpine site. 

Learn more about green hydrogen in the steelmaking process.
Die derzeit weltgrößte Pilotanlage zur CO2-freien Herstellung von Wasserstoff hat am voestalpine-Standort in Linz erfolgreich ihren Betrieb aufgenommen.
Stella Sustainable berichtet über die voestalpine- Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen.

Stella Sustainable – because we care

Stella Sustainable provides comprehensive information on the sustainability measures taken by the voestalpine Steel Division. Here you can learn more about everything from CO2 reduction initiatives, new and environmentally friendly technologies and green logistics. All aboard! Our sustainability testimonial will guide you through the Stella Sustainable site.

More sustainable information