Functional surfaces
Functional surfaces


prelube2 for optimized tribology and excellent oil distribution

Do you want a corrosion protection oil that increases cleanliness in your production processes, enhances work safety, features improved tribology and is compatible with your downstream processes? Then prelube2 is the product of your choice.

With its optimized tribology, prelube2 makes it possible to work with less oil coating yet maintain the same level of formability, thus reducing oil leakage and oil redistribution on strip, during storage. prelube2 has the potential to reduce the friction coefficient, prolong intervals for tool cleaning and make production cleaner. Wherever the highest forming demands are required, prelube2 is the right choice. Whether in the automotive or any other industry, prelube2 makes production even more efficient.

Product prelube2

Processing benefits

The excellent tribological properties reduce the amount of lubrication required, thus enabling a clean production processes (less oil leakage during storage and transport). This improves work safety and reduces the risk of slippage.


Significant advantages compared to standard oils

prelube2 (approved pursuant to VDA 230-213) reduces zinc abrasion in the forming tool for formed parts. The following figures show the test results from the strip drawing test under the same conditions.

Processing properties


Sustainable and environmental friendly

  • The use of prelube2 reduces the oil coating layer thickness and protects the environment.
  • The lower oil volume conserves resources and leads to clean processes with less chemical consumption in downstream processes.
  • With the same oil layer thickness, prelube2 reduces friction during forming.

Typical applications

Can be used in a wide range of products and applications.

Multiple certifications

Certifications are naturally a minimum requirement at voestalpine in our effort to provide additional high-performance treatments such as prelube2.


prelube2 properties in comparison

prelube2 is used for a cleaner production process and because of its compatibility with downstream processes. An oil layer can be saved during forming, which is an essential aspect of this corrosion protection oil. Tool cleaning intervals are prolonged, and production can run more smoothly.



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