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voestalpine AGM resolves EUR 1.40 dividend

2018-07-04 | 

voestalpine AG closed the business year 2017/18 with new record figures for revenue and earnings. The technology and industrial goods group thus once again confirms its attractiveness as a profitable investment. At today’s 26th Annual General Meeting, a dividend of EUR 1.40 per (dividend-bearing) share was resolved for the business year 2017/18. The Annual General Meeting thus approved the proposal of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board. The current value represents an increase of no less than 27.3 percent over last year’s EUR 1.10 dividend. It is therefore the sixth year in a row that the company is paying out a higher dividend to its shareholders. The dividend will be transferred from Monday, July 16, 2018 (ex-dividend date: July 12, 2018).

Based on an average voestalpine share price of EUR 44.46 in the business year 2017/18, the dividend yield for this period is 3.1 percent. voestalpine AG has consistently distributed a dividend to its shareholders—i.e. every year—since going public in 1995, in the amount of EUR 2.8 billion in total (including this year’s dividend payment). The dividend yield over the total listing period of almost 23 years is 3.8 percent.

The voestalpine Group’s continuously positive business development is primarily due to its long-term successful orientation towards innovative technologies of the future, consistent cost management, and ongoing internationalization. The Group’s internationalization is also increasingly evident on the shareholder side in the Group’s employee participation plan. With the recent addition of Group companies in Spain and Sweden, this Europe-wide role model has been significantly expanded. The participation plan is now available in 12 countries with almost 150 participating Group companies. A total of 25,700 employees now hold an interest in voestalpine AG, which means that around 14 percent of the share capital is owned by the workforce. This makes the employees the second largest core shareholder of the Group.


Inom sina affärsområden är voestalpine en världsledande teknik- och industrivarukoncern med kombinerad material- och bearbetningskompetens. Den globala företagsgruppen har ca 500 koncernbolag och koncernanläggningar i mer än 50 länder på alla fem kontinenterna. Den är noterad på Wien-börsen sedan 1995. Med sina högkvalitativa produkt- och systemlösningar av stål och andra metaller räknas den som ledande partner för den europeiska bil- och hushållsapparatindustrin samt luftfarts-, olje- och gasindustrin världen över. voestalpine är dessutom världsledande på växelteknik och specialräls samt verktygsstål och specialprofiler. Under verksamhetsåret 2017/18 uppnådde koncernen ett resultat före skatter och avskrivningar (EBITDA) på knappt 2 miljarder euro med en omsättning på närmare 13 miljarder euro och sysselsatte ca 51 600 medarbetare i hela världen.