Spotlight on Team iFIX

Team iFIX at voestalpine Schwäbisch Gmünd combines forces from all of its departments to service the needs of our customers. 

Team iFIX
(from left: CEO: Norman Willich; Sales: Armin Walter; CSO: Julian Brodbeck; Sales: Matthias Pintor; Component Development: Alex. Dronov; Sales: Diana Grimminger; Marketing: Timea Grünauer; Project Management: Armin Meier; Sales: Sonja Scheer; Marketing: Natalie Veth; Component Development: Marcus Wiemann & Florian Gerstner)

We combine corporate structures with high flexibility and distinguish ourselves with extremely fast response times to customer inquiries. The iFIX team consists of the Component Development, Project Management, Sales and Marketing departments, with the active involvement of the Company Management, represented by Norman Willich and Julian Brodbeck.

The key positions in Component Development are held by Florian Gerstner, Marcus Wiemann and Alexander Dronov, supported by Armin Meier from Project Management.

The Sales team with Armin Walter, Matthias Pintor, Sonja Schreer and Diana Grimminger functions as a direct contact for customers and a link to internal departments.

Timea Grünauer headed the Marketing department in the market launch phase, later joined by Natalie Veth.

The smooth collaboration and cooperative spirit of the different departments has enabled us to create trust in the product and successfully convince customers of iFIX.

Our customers are an integral part of Team iFIX, as they have made it possible for us to successfully establish iFIX on the market.

A warm thank you goes to all our customers for the trust they have placed in us and iFIX!